Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Spiritual goal: Have family prayer at least once a day, twice is better

Provident living goals: Learn a new skill or read a book pertaining to your career.

Storage goals: 50 cans soup, stew or chili per person,
5 pounds of salt per person,
20 pounds of fat -oil or shortening per person,
aluminum foil, plastic wrap storage bags, etc.
at least 5 gallons of water per persn- recommended is 14 gallons/person
for two weeks

72 hour kits: 1 pound dried fruit or trail mix per person(can use fruit leather)
1 package soda crackers per person
l package of graham crackers per person
2 liters of tomato or orange juice per person
Also make a goal to always have the fuel tank on all your vehicles
aleast half full.

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